Who we serve




Litigation and Dispute Resolution
We represent our clients in labor, civil, commercial, administrative and arbitration proceedings, as well as in the negotiation and execution of out-of-court conciliation agreements.
- Representation in judicial processes of labor matters
- Representation in judicial processes of civil and comercial matters
- Representation in judicial processes of contentious-administrative matters
- Arbitration Processes
- Extrajudicial Conciliation Agreements

Corporate and Commercial Law
We advise and accompany our clients in legal aspects related to their business activity.
- Negotiation and drafting of comercial contracts.
- Constitution and legal administration of national companies and branches of foreign companies.
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Corporate conflicts
- Accompaniment in assemblies and meetings.
- Voluntary liquidations
- Business insolvency
- Mandatory reorganization and liquidations
- Accompaniment and attention to foreign investment procedures and procedures in Colombia for the acquisition of shares or quotas in companies, or for the acquisition of real estate
- Legal structuring of the foreign investment project
- Intellectual Property: Trademark Registries.
- Preparation of Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies
- Due Diligence

Labor Law and Social Security
- Drafting of employment contracts
- Salary administration
- Definition of shifts and working days
- Labor due diligence
- Investigation and accompaniment in disciplinary processes
- Preparation of labor regulations and policies.
- Recognition of pensions
- Correction of work history before Colpensiones
- Attention to procedures before the Ministry of Labor (overtime, permission to dismiss workers, work without a solution of continuity)
- Labor retirement agreements, representation and accompaniment in labor conciliations
- Management of personnel with health jurisdiction, labor outsourcing, representation in labor processes
- Permanent accompaniment in all types of requirements related to the area of human management and SGSST.

Foreigners and Migration
- Accompaniment in the application and processing of the Colombian visa
- Accompaniment in the application and processing of the foreigner’s identity card
- Accompaniment in the application and process of Colombian nationality.
- Attention to procedures and administrative investigations before Migration Colombia.

Real Estate Law
- Negotiation and drafting of real estate contracts
- Legal structuring of commercial and residential real estate projects
- Study titles
- Preparation of horizontal property regulations and coexistence manuals.
- Legal attention of procedures before urban authorities.

Hotel and Tourism services
- Negotiation and drafting of hotel and tourist contracts
- Legal structuring of hotel projects and provision of tourist services
- Legal attention of procedures before administrative authorities in hotel and tourism matters
- Representation in administrative investigations for matters related to the hotel and tourist activity

Environmental Law
- Advice, Consulting and Representation for administrative procedures, permits, authorizations and environmental licenses.
- Advice and services for the elaboration of environmental studies.
- Preparation, implementation, environmental monitoring and permanent advice.
Representation and defense in environmental sanctioning processes.
- Advice and accompaniment during technical and inspection visits by environmental authorities.
- Advice and support in previous consultation processes.

Management and administrative procedures
- General Affiliations to the Social Security System: ARL, EPS, Pensions and Compensation Fund. (Applies to Natural Persons and Legal Entities)
- Claims and Requests before residential public service companies
- Requests for issuance of documents before the Registrar’s Office, Courts, Public Instruments Registry Office and Go Cadastral.
- Registration of Public Deeds before the Office of Registries of Public Instruments.

Accounting and Financial Services
Business Theory / Strategy: Budget Projected Financial Statements KPIS. Financial Dashboard and Management Report Template.
Organization: Survey of A&F processes Documentation of A&F processes. Structuring of Digital Environment for Document Management.
Execution: Evaluation of the Budget Execution. Management Evaluation through KPIS. Prepare reports for the Board of Directors.
Emerging Results: Lead Results Analysis exercises to Identify unexpected results. Adjustments To Budget and KPIS at the service of the strategy.
- Obtaining and updating the RUT (Tax registration)
- Electronic signature request
- Preparation of initial balance sheets
- Certifications and documents for opening bank accounts
- Presentation of national and district taxes
- Advice on portfolio management

